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God Works Through Our Failures


Have you ever failed at something you worked really hard at? Have you been struggling to see how God can use this failure for your good? If we’re being honest, we’ve all failed at some point in our lives, and whether it’s a big failure, or a small one, finding the silver lining might be difficult. However, the Bible tells us in Romans 8:28 that, “…we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Now if we’re being personal, there are still times in my life when I mess up really badly and I don’t know if God can get any good out of it.

When God wants to transform us or humble us, He will use our limitations and inability to move the mountains in front of us, to open our eyes. This enables us to see ourselves for what we truly are and see God for who He truly is. We are sinful, weak people who, without the grace and mercy of our Lord and Savior, are unable to live for him in our present, sinful bodies. In the Bible, Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, denied Him three times, even though Peter swore he wouldn’t. This was a massive failure on his part because this showed just how broken and dependent on God’s power to sustain him, Peter really was.

Thankfully, Peter was restored completely and able to continue to walk with his master despite his denials. I was addicted to pornography for a long time and I believed that God could not heal this issue or bring good out of something extremely bad. God could heal everything else I believed but my faith wasn’t strong enough for this addiction to be healed. It got to a point where I hit rock bottom in my life for the second time and I shared my darkest secret to my 8 friends. I was so scared of what they would think, but they showed me so much love. What started out as the worst day of my life ended up being the best because this was me taking my first step in the right direction to break this addiction. It went from a daily thing to weekly and then monthly, and I have super strong faith that God is working through this and taking it away for good. I’ve been able to talk to so many kids about this addiction and listen to their stories, and 1 year ago I thought there was no way God could get any good out of this thing, but I’ve seen with my own eyes kids’ lives changed because of hearing what I went through. Whatever you’re dealing with, lay it at God’s feet and he will take it and make it good. 1 Peter 5:10 tells us that, “…the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”

- Matt Turgeon



©2023 by Freedom Center Academy.

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